Legislation on Government Procurement

About Training

This training has been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on State Procurement. Here, you will learn about the economic, legal, and organizational principles of state procurement in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the principles and rules for efficient and effective use of state funds during procurement, and the creation of a competitive environment for all suppliers (contractors) based on competition and transparency. These include:

  • The economic, legal, and organizational principles of state procurement.
  • Efficient and effective use of state funds during procurement.
  • Principles and rules for creating a competitive environment for all suppliers (contractors) based on competition and transparency.
  • Dövlət satınalmaları haqqında Azərbaycan Respublikası Qanunun mənimsədilməsi-Elektron satınalma üzərindən prkatiki təlim
  • Müvafiq İcra Hakimiyyəti Orqanı ilə praktiki işlənilən məsələlərin həlli

Who can participate?

Employees of government organizations and private companies can participate.


  • After the training is completed, participants will be awarded a certificate by Abacus Academy.
  • Training Language: Azerbaijani
  • Duration: 16 hours